Happy Holidays to All!

Thank you everyone that came to our Christmas Party + Open House! It was a great pleasure to see our family, friends, and neighbors at Atlantic Designworks for the first time, exploring our new space and making new connections. Happy Holidays from studioMEJA!!!

Party prep, Taylor hanging the lights and Kathy setting up the feast (note elaborate beer keg) 

Party prep, Taylor hanging the lights and Kathy setting up the feast (note elaborate beer keg) 

Finishing touches

Finishing touches

The 11 is on and the doors are opened! 

The 11 is on and the doors are opened! 

Noah, age 5, awarded chocolate Santa 

Noah, age 5, awarded chocolate Santa 

Celia, age 4, created this post modern ginger bread house

Celia, age 4, created this post modern ginger bread house